![]() We would just like to take a moment to recognize how much we love network marketing companies and the people involved in them. What other kind of business can you work from home and have unlimited growth potential? They provide you with a product to sell, that people typically already use some form of, and you educate people and serve them with the product. The people involved are great at making connections and building great support groups. It is a remarkable experience to be involved in! What makes someone really successful at network marketing? They have a system; and they teach that system to the people they bring into the business with them! If it really is a great business, then everyone can succeed if they follow the system or process. We could give examples all day of companies that have these systems in place, but there are too many too list. Here at Time Managed we want to help people in network marketing succeed. Our planners are fully customizable with tracking sheets depending on your businesses metrics to be measured. We have created the "pink planner" for make-up consultants and some of the pages we inserted between the weeks and months can be found here. Please contact us if you would like help developing a system of tracking for your business. The benefit of the Time Managed system is it eliminates the need for a planner, tracking sheets, and a notebook because it combines them all into one place!
January 2021