Why do you do what you do? How did you get started? What results have you seen? Many of our planners targeted for specific businesses ask you tell your story. We held a live workshop today to discuss why your story is important. Everyone has a story; just not everyone realizes this. When you realize you have a story and start to tell it you will be amazed at what you can accomplish. The more people you can share your story with, the more success you will see. The acronym we like to use for how to tell your story is INSPIRE. I = Intentional (have a purpose) N = Narrative (why/heart, affective, motivation -> shared understanding) S = Specific (give details) P = Personal (you know yourself better than anyone else) I = Interesting (how you tell your story matters) R = Relevant (does your story have a point? do you connect with your audience?) E = Ending or Emotion (what is the take away and/or does your story have heart?) If you came to the workshop, please share what you learned. Everyone has a story and we would love you to post some of yours here!!!
January 2021