Keeping in line with the theme from our last post; there is no such thing as work/life balance. We want to share with you the P.R.I.O.R.I.T.I.E.S. wheel of fulfillment. We believe that you need to prioritize each of these facets and decide what areas you need to improve on in order to live a fulfilled life. So here is what the acronym stands for:
We suggest you rate yourself in each of these areas. 1 being worst and 10 being best. What steps do you need to take to get to a 10 in all of these categories. Side note: This assessment is what we base our custom project management and increasing productive capacity planner on!
This may not be the thing that you want to hear when discussing work/life balance but it is a fact of life. The reason that we believe that there is not such thing as work-life balance is because it all comes down to a matter of priorities. In truth, life and work will never be equal. The journey to significance is what makes a successful life. We ask you to examine your purpose and from there set your priorities; with your priorities in hand you can then determine what deserves to be on your schedule. Here are some tips to scheduling your priorities:
Please share your opinions on work/life balance in the comments section below. "The truth is, balance is bunk. It is an unattainable pipe dream... The quest for balance between work and life, as we've come to think of it, isn't just a losing proposition; it's a hurtful one." - Keith H. Hammonds |
January 2021