Basic Sales and Prospecting Planner
The features of this planner include mind mapping and plenty of room for notes. The beginning of the planner has an area for goal setting, gratitude list, and prospect lists. Each quarter has an annual view to plan further out. Before each month view there is an area to list your new customers and/or team members. Between each week there is a blank daily checklist so you can keep track of items you want to track on a daily basis (for example, make 5 phone calls, send follow-up cards, drink 8 glasses of water, exercise, etc.), a page for notes and two pages for mind mapping. The week views prompt you to have a daily focus, designate your top six tasks, time slots, and an area for incidental tasks. There are six months of month views and 13-14 weeks of week views (if you get all four you end up with 54 weeks). The last two pages of the planner are for client/team tracking with areas for name, member #, phone, email, and notes. $19.95 each